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Pro Se Help Desk

Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., U.S. Courthouse, 517 East Wisconsin Avenue, Room 153, Milwaukee, WI 

The Pro Se Help Desk is a service available to chapter 7 debtors (or people considering filing chapter 7 bankruptcy) who do not have a lawyer to represent them.  Volunteer attorneys are available to provide assistance to debtors in completing the required bankruptcy paperwork.  The service generally is not available to chapter 13 debtors, pro se creditors, or individuals who have a lawyer.

Debtors seeking assistance at the help desk must come in person.  The service is provided on a first come, first served basis.  Due to increased volume, it is possible that if you may not be seen if you do not come early.  There is a sign-in form, and each person will be called in turn.

We need volunteer attorneys for the Pro Se Help Desk.  If you are an attorney and you wish to volunteer or obtain more information about volunteering, please contact the Clerk's Office at (414) 297-3291.