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Electronic Document Submission System

EDSS is a service that may be used by self-represented parties who need to file documents with the court as an alternative to faxing, mailing, or bringing the documents to the courthouse. Documents will be processed by the next business day. Bankruptcy petitions may not receive a case number until the next business day.

ECF users must file using CM/ECF.

EDSS should not be used to file a proof of claim. Proof of claims can be filed using the Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC) system.

Filing with EDSS is governed by EDSS Administrative Procedures. NOTE: Wet ink signatures are required for any Official Form containing a signature block. Printed or typed signatures will not be accepted. Your case may be DISMISSED if you fail to properly sign documents.

Do not use EDSS for your list of creditors (matrix). Instead submit them using the online Creditor Matrix Tool.

Bankruptcy Help Desk. Volunteer attorneys provide assistance to Chapter 7 debtors, or people considering filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, who wish to proceed pro se (without an attorney to represent them). The Help Desk is open in Milwaukee on Thursdays, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, in Room 153 of the U.S. Courthouse.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
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