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    In re Robles (13-21328) (August 2013) -- Chief Judge G.M. Halfenger
    Order denying debtor's post-confirmation claim objection.

    In re Gerard, 495 B.R. 850 (August 2013) -- Judge S.V. Kelley
    Although the absolute priority rule continues to apply to individual chapter 11 debtors, debtor does not violate the rule by retaining exempt property.

    In re Heyden (13-29991) (August 2013) -- Chief Judge G.M. Halfenger
    Order denying motion to shorten notice period for failure to demonstrate cause that also discusses claimed "ministerial act" exception to automatic stay.

    In re Jeremy & Hillary Hollis, Case No. 13-20484 (July 2013) -- Judge M.D. McGarity
    The US Department of Agriculture, Rural Housing Service's motion for relief from the automatic stay to effectuate a setoff of the chapter 7 debtors' tax refund against a dischargeable loan guarantee loss claim obligation was granted.

    In re Itsines (13-21980) (July 2013) -- Chief Judge G.M. Halfenger
    Order denying mortgagee's request for abandonment and fees.

    In re McMahon Family L.P., 495 B.R. 411 (July 2013) -- Judge S.V. Kelley
    Debtor's tree farm operation probably did not qualify for Chapter 12, and Debtor's plan was not feasible.

    In re Joseph Miller, Case No. 12-32487, Layton State Bank v. Debtor, Adv. No. 13-2045 (July 2013) -- Judge M.D. McGarity
    Chapter 11 individual debtor filed counterclaims against the plaintiff bank for damages to the debtor's apartment complex while under the management and control of the bank. Bank's motion to dismiss counterclaims was granted because debtor, as guarantor, did not have standing under the guaranty; the claims against the bank belonged to the borrower, the debtor's LLC.

    In re Noll, 491 B.R. 550 (May 2013) -- Judge S.V. Kelley
    When Clerk issues notice of second claims bar date in reconverted case, creditor could file claim in reliance on that notice. 

    In re Groce (13-21951) (April 2013) -- Chief Judge G.M. Halfenger
    The debtor, after paying the prescribed filing fee installment, sought reconsideration of an order denying her fee waiver application. The court denied the reconsideration motion because the debtor, who supplied no additional evidence and made no showing of legal error, failed to meet the applicable standard. The order further discusses the showing needed to justify a discretionary waiver of the filing fee, see In re Williams, and cautions that filing facially incredible schedules weighs against the grant of a fee waiver.

    In re Williams (13-22403) (April 2013) -- Chief Judge G.M. Halfenger
    This decision explains Judge Halfenger's fee-waiver methodology and why he denied this debtor's application to waive the chapter 7 filing fee. When considering applications to waive the filing fee, Judge Halfenger begins with the statutory fee-waiver requirements: (1) whether the debtor's income falls below 150% of the applicable official income poverty line, and (2) whether the debtor is unable to pay the filing fee in installments. If the debtor's submission establishes that she meets these criteria, the grant of a fee waiver becomes a matter of judicial discretion. In exercising this discretion, Judge Halfenger considers whether there is reason to believe that the debtor faces special circumstances such that a bankruptcy discharge will afford her benefits beyond relief from typical collection efforts. In this case, although the debtor's income was below 150% of the income official poverty line, she did not show that she was unable to pay the filing fee in installments or that a discharge would provide unusual benefits.