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Ordering Transcripts

“Upon the request of any party to any proceeding which has been so recorded who has agreed to pay the fee therefor, or of a judge of the court, the reporter or other individual designated to produce the record shall promptly transcribe the original records of the requested parts of the proceedings and attach to the transcript his official certificate, and deliver the same to the party or judge making the request.” (28 U.S.C. § 753(b))

The Eastern District of Wisconsin Bankruptcy Court employs two methods of recording proceedings: court reporters and electronic sound recording. Below are instructions for obtaining transcripts based on the method used to record the proceeding. For either method you will need to supply the case number, case name, proceeding date, and name of the judge. If at any time you have questions concerning obtaining a transcript, please contact the Clerk’s Office through our website by selecting the “contact us” tab and sending an email inquiry or by telephone at (414) 290-2700.

Transcripts are not available for a section 341 meeting of creditors, but recordings of the hearings are available from the U.S. Trustee’s Office. Please contact the U.S. Trustee's Office at 414-297-4476, if you would like a copy of a section 341 meeting of creditors recording.

Electronic Sound Recording
If electronic sound recording was used to record the hearing, contact a transcription service provider to order the transcript. You can place your order via their websites or by telephone. Financial arrangements should be made directly with the transcription service provider. Upon receipt of your order, the transcription service provider will contact the Clerk’s Office to obtain the appropriate audio files. Below is the contact information for the approved transcription service providers.  

Advanced Transcription
1600 Market Street, Suite 1700
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 973-327-7802
Website for ordering:

Audio Edge Transcription, LLC
23 Vreeland Rd.
Suite 204
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
(800) 532-6878 or (973) 618-2310
Website for ordering:

A Quo Co. 
320 W. Republican
Suite 207
Seattle, WA 98119
Phone: 206-478-5028
Fax: 866-201-1886
Website for ordering:

Access Transcripts, LLC
10110 Youngwood Lane
Fishers, IN 46038
Phone: 1-855-USE ACCESS

A & S Transcript Providers
Kathleen M. Price, AD/T 550, CET-325
6 Trout Brook Road
Stanhope, NJ 07874
Phone: 973-914-3080

J&J Court Transcribers, Inc.
268 Evergreen Avenue
Hamilton, NJ 08619
Phone: 609-586-2311

Liberty Transcripts
9107 Topridge Drive
Austin, TX 78750
Phone: 847-848-4907
Kristene Honzik
PO Box 43947
Las Vegas, NV 89116
Phone: 702-459-6712

Erik Lige
7590 East Gray Road, Suite 202
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: (800) 406-1290

Thompson Transcription
Julie Thompson
392 Tornga Dr.
Ripon, CA 95366
Phone: 209-552-5229

330 Old Country Rd., Suite 300
Mineola, NY 11501
Phone: 800-706-4576


(If you wish to become an approved transcription service provider, please email this completed form, along with the required attachments to

Court Reporter
If a court reporter was used to record the proceeding, contact the court reporting firm to order the transcript. All financial arrangements should be made directly with the court reporting firm. Below is the contact information for the two court reporting firms utilized by the Eastern District of Wisconsin Bankruptcy Court.  Please note that all bankruptcy judges in this district currently use electronic sound recording.  If a hearing was recent (2009 or later), it is unlikely that transcripts will be available from the following vendors.  

For hearings held on or after July 1, 2007:
Halma-Jilek Reporting, Inc.
207 East Michigan Street
Suite 404
Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 271-4466

Ordering Transcripts For hearings held prior to July 1, 2007: (Court Reporter ONLY)
Eastwood Stein Deposition Management
Please contact the Bankruptcy Court directly
for assistance with obtaining transcripts for
hearings held prior to July 1, 2007. The
number for the Clerk’s Office is
(414) 290-2700